ReImagine Reno has published two thought-provoking studies: one on housing and one on employment. These studies estimate the demand for a variety of residential and economic uses to guide land use decisions throughout Reno in the updated Master Plan. The key high-level take-aways are:
Housing: The housing approved in the past does not match what people need in the future
Approved housing is predominantly detached single family on lots of ½ acre to 6,000 square feet. However, a wider variety of housing types are needed to address affordability (fewer lower income households and renter households will be able afford to live in single family detached homes in the future) and changing desires (growing preference for increased neighborhood amenities and walkability).
Employment: If the City of Reno desires higher income jobs, it must support them with land use choices
Being proactive in attracting higher income jobs could include: better matching types of employment lands with the desired industries, including giving clear direction on the City’s priorities relative to regional efforts; creating a more modern work environment through investments in infrastructure and amenities that are attractive to businesses and investing in revitalizing the City’s existing business parks; and, investing in amenities that increase livability and quality of life as a way to not only attract new businesses but also knowledge economy workers; to this end, revitalization of Downtown is key.
These documents are rich in information and nuance that will inform the policies in the updated Master Plan, so please take a read.